[BonnMotion] OSRM installation

Fátima Castro Jul fatima at det.uvigo.es
Mon Sep 4 17:07:43 CEST 2017


I would like to use Bonnmotion's map-based models. However, I have run 
into some problems when setting up OSRM following the instructions in 
the documentation. I have tried with the recommended OSRM version 
(4.8.1) and also with the most recent one (5.11.0). I have not succeeded 
with any of them but the problems I encounter are different. I am using 
Ubuntu 17.04.

  * *With version 5.11.0* I encounter this error when I run
    .//prepare_pbf.sh maps/Vigo_cut:/

    /[info] Using script ./cbf-routing-profiles-master/foot-city.lua
    [info] Input file: Vigo_cut.osm.pbf
    [info] Profile: foot-city.lua
    [info] Threads: 4
    [info] Parsing in progress..
    [info] Using profile api version 0
    [info] input file generated by 0.45
    [info] timestamp: n/a
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sol::error'
       what():  lua: error: lua: error:
    ./cbf-routing-profiles-master/lib/barrier.lua:24: sol: attempt to
    index (set) nil value "bollard" on userdata (bad (misspelled?) key
    name or does not exist)
    Abortado (rexistráronse os datos da memoria)/

  * /*With version 4.8.1: *

    /[info] Input file: Vigo_cut.osm.pbf/
    /[info] Profile: foot-city.lua/
    /[info] Threads: 4/
    /[info] Using script ./cbf-routing-profiles-master/foot-city.lua/
    /[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.4.1 (prerelease/Debug)/
    /[STXXL-ERRMSG] Warning: no config file found./
    /[STXXL-ERRMSG] Using default disk configuration./
    /[STXXL-MSG] Disk '/var/tmp/stxxl' is allocated, space: 1000 MiB,
    I/O implementation: syscall autogrow delete_on_exit queue=0 devid=0/
    /[info] Parsing in progress../
    /[info] input file generated by 0.45/
    /[info] timestamp: n/a/
    /[info] Ignoring turn restrictions/
    /*** Error in `./osrm-extract': double free or corruption (out):
    0x08d58a08 ***/
    /======= Backtrace: =========/
    //usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/liblua5.2.so.0(+0x9887)[0xb72fb887*** Error
    in `./osrm-extract':
    //usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/liblua5.2.so.0./prepare_pbf.sh: liña 11:
    26421 Abortado                («core» xerado)
    LUA_PATH="$profiledir/lib/?.lua" ./osrm-extract -p
    $profiledir/foot-city.lua ${osmfile}.osm.pbf/
    /[info] Input file: Vigo_cut.osrm/
    /[info] Restrictions file: Vigo_cut.osrm.restrictions/
    /[info] Profile: foot-city.lua/
    /[info] Threads: 4/
    /[info] Generating edge-expanded graph representation/
    /[warn] [exception] osrm input file misses magic number. Check or
    reprocess the file/

I have tried to run the instruction /./osrm-extract /plainly with the 
same osm.pbf file. It works fine for 5.11.0 version but it gives the 
same error in the 4.8.1 version.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,





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