[BonnMotion] OSRM Installation

Matthias Schwamborn schwamborn at informatik.uos.de
Wed Sep 6 14:10:33 CEST 2017

Hi Fátima,

> I would appreciate if you could confirm the folder you have hinted me to look into, considering the error I encounter is in a different one.
> ~/bonnmotion-3.0.1/bin$ ./bm -f Vigo-escenario MSLAW -n 5

there are several mandatory parameters for map-based scenarios missing
here, e.g., -B, -o, -u. Please refer to the documentation [1, Section
6.7.1] for details.

Best, Matthias

[1] http://sys.cs.uos.de/bonnmotion/doc/README.pdf

On 06.09.17 13:15, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for your answer.
> I would appreciate if you could confirm the folder you have hinted me to
> look into, considering the error I encounter is in a different one.
> Best regards,
> Fátima
> On 05/09/17 18:05, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
>> Hi Fátima,
>> the short answer is that the current implementation of BonnMotion
>> assumes the route request and response formats of OSRM version 4.8.1 and
>> this format has been changed OSRM-side since then at least once.
>> As much as I'd like to update the BM-side of the code, there are several
>> reasons why we haven't, yet, and most likely won't in the near future.
>> However, if you are eager enough to get BM working with OSRM version
>> 5.11, you can dig into and update the code located in
>> 'src/edu/bonn/cs/iv/util/maps/OSRoutingMachine.java'.
>> As for why you encounter that error with version OSRM version 4.8.1, I
>> can only assume that this version might be incompatible with some newer
>> libraries in Ubuntu 17.04.
>> Best regards,
>> Matthias
>> On 05.09.17 17:34, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
>>> Hi again!
>>> I have been able to set up and run osrm-backend-5.11 with some
>>> modifications to the instructions in the documentation.
>>>    * I have replaced cbf-routing-profiles for the newest ones in
>>>      https://github.com/sosm/cbf-routing-profiles/
>>>    * I have changed the last line in prepare_pbf.sh to the following:
>>>      LUA_PATH="$profiledir/lib/?.lua" ./osrm-contract ${osmfile}.osrm
>>> However, I have not been able to generate a map-base scenario
>>> successfully. Both with RandomStreet and MSLAW I run into the following
>>> error:
>>>      ~/bonnmotion-3.0.1/bin$ ./bm -f Vigo-escenario MSLAW -n 5
>>>      BonnMotion 3.0.1
>>>      OS: Linux 4.10.0-33-generic
>>>      Java: Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_131
>>>      Starting MSLAW ...
>>>      DEBUG: transformation (proj4): +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0
>>>      +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m
>>> +no_defs
>>>      java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>          at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>      Method)
>>>          at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
>>>          at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
>>>          at
>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
>>>          at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.go(BM.java:267)
>>>          at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.main(BM.java:296)
>>>      Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>          at
>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.MapScenario.preGeneration(MapScenario.java:423)
>>>          at
>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.preGeneration(MSLAW.java:631)
>>>          at
>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.generate(MSLAW.java:101)
>>>          at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.go(MSLAW.java:96)
>>>          at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.<init>(MSLAW.java:90)
>>>          ... 6 more
>>>      Error:
>>>          Error in MSLAW
>>> Is there a path where osrm is required to be running so it can work with
>>> Bonnmotion? Or is there any other requirement so they can work together?
>>> Have I compromised Bonnmotion function due to my modifications to the
>>> osrm setting up process?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fátima
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Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück         Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:    +49-541-969-2799
Wachsbleiche 27                 E-mail: schwamborn at informatik.uos.de
D-49090 Osnabrück, Germany      http://sys.cs.uos.de/schwamborn/

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