[BonnMotion] OSRM Installation

Fátima Castro Jul fatima at det.uvigo.es
Tue Sep 19 16:51:00 CEST 2017

Thanks for the reference to the paper. It has provided me with a better 
understanding of the tool but still not complete. I am still not able to 
generate the scenario I desire. I am not sure if it is related to the 
limitations of scenario generation in Bonnmotion or to the fact I have 
not correctly understood the results I should expect. I am mentioning 
the tool limitations because in every paper I have found where 
Bonnmotion is employed, areas are bigger than mine and fewer nodes are 
generated. Is it unreasonable to use the tool to generate 100 or 500 
nodes in an area of less than 2 km^2 ? As far as I understand, such 
pedestrian density would make sense in a real scenario. When I try 
generate it, I am unable to obtain a scenario where nodes stay in the 
simulation area and their movements are correct. The problems I 
experience are the following:

  * For C=0, every node is outside the simulation area (default -i
    3600). Using -i 0 nodes do have their starting position in the area
    but are soon moving outside (and far of) the bounding box. I
    understand this behavior is due to the small size of the area and,
    therefore, is reasonable.
  * For C=1, nodes are in the simulation area and move as expected but a
    significant number of them concentrate in one of the limits of the
    bounding box. This is not desirable. I guess it is due to their
    routes being cut but I do not understand why they only concentrate
    on one of the limits of the area. Moreover, I wonder if this is
    expected to happen always with C = 1 or it is a consequence of the
    high amount of nodes generated.
  * For C= 2, nodes are in the simulation area and do not concentrate on
    any of the edges but their routes are too short (start and
    destination points are really close) and therefore they are barely
    moving. This is also undesirable. Is is due to the small size of the

Best regards,


On 15/09/17 11:42, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
> Please read up on the meaning of the -C parameter in [1, Section III-B].
> Best regards,
> Matthias
> [1]http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7330189/
> On 14.09.17 19:07, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
>> I have realised I was using the parameter -C 0 (CLIP_RESIZE_BB) as it
>> was set by default. As a result, the bounding box that limits the
>> simulation area was expanded. I guess that because my area is small
>> almost every point was outside it.
>> I have run Bonnmotion changing the parameter value. With -C 1
>> (CLIP_USE_NEW_LENGTH) nothing happens outside the box but many nodes are
>> crowded together on one of the limits of the simulation area. With -C 2
>> (CLIP_USE_OLD_LENGTH) the distributions is better, there are some groups
>> of nodes near the edges but it is not that crowded. However, in this
>> scenario, nodes are not moving at all. Is this the normal behavior of
>> this parameter?
>> Best regards,
>> Fátima
>> On 14/09/17 16:53, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thank you for your answer.
>>> I have tried to modify OSRoutingMachine.java//according to the new
>>> OSRM API to work with ORM 5.11.0. My modifications are limited to the
>>> API calls and responses processing. Now, I can run Bonnmotion.
>>> However, the coordinates in the .movements.gz file are not within the
>>> limits of the x,y values in the//.params file. The coordinates in the
>>> file .movements.geo.gz are not always within the bounding box either.
>>> May the modifications to the OSRoutingMachine.java file have affected
>>> coordinates choosing? Am I doing something wrong when running Bonnmotion?
>>> For instance:
>>> ./bm -f scenario RandomStreet -n 1000 -d 3600 -s 0.9 1.5 -p 30 -B
>>> -8.7296 42.2319 -8.7139 42.2421 -R 1234 -o /path/map.osm.pbf -u
>>> In scenario.params:
>>>      model=RandomStreet
>>>      ignore=3600.0
>>>      randomSeed=1234
>>>      x=1747.716005454422
>>>      y=1533.635604236275
>>>      duration=3600.0
>>>      nn=1000
>>>      circular=false
>>>      J=2D
>>>      boundingBox=-8.7296 42.2319 -8.7139 42.2421
>>>      clippingMethod=0
>>>      rsMetric=Pedestrian
>>>      osmFile=/path/map.osm.pbf
>>>      rsURL=
>>>      distFile=null
>>>      maxPause=30.0
>>>      speed=0.9 1.5
>>> In scenario.movements.geo.gz (first lines):
>>> 0.0 [-8.715823405291129,42.203754445654724], 3600.0
>>> [-8.706116197524537,42.1687900700981],
>>> 0.0 [-8.718972344559301,42.203802813972466], 3600.0
>>> [-8.71099292724169,42.17492810899706],
>>> 0.0 [-8.71079316577188,42.19073929147142], 3600.0
>>> [-8.69885787606997,42.14771951347391],
>>> 0.0 [-8.706779739246365,42.20395795031393], 3600.0
>>> [-8.698081948572195,42.17259861887113],
>>> In scenario.movements.gz (first lines):
>>> 0.0 1187.5624645399644 -3327.2085444231298 3600.0 1920.5450429319296
>>> -7672.257377061738
>>> 0.0 896.5370442566041 -3471.3099859895324 3600.0 1498.2509550961317
>>> -7057.227789234152
>>> 0.0 1665.0420254702763 -5067.26831240366 3600.0 2566.700416711787
>>> -10413.153339571183
>>> 0.0 2228.608934641187 -3385.276691569191 3600.0 2885.3050883430005
>>> -7282.212748053645
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fátima
>>> On 06/09/17 14:10, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
>>>> Hi Fátima,
>>>>> I would appreciate if you could confirm the folder you have hinted me to look into, considering the error I encounter is in a different one.
>>>>> ~/bonnmotion-3.0.1/bin$ ./bm -f Vigo-escenario MSLAW -n 5
>>>> there are several mandatory parameters for map-based scenarios missing
>>>> here, e.g., -B, -o, -u. Please refer to the documentation [1, Section
>>>> 6.7.1] for details.
>>>> Best, Matthias
>>>> [1]http://sys.cs.uos.de/bonnmotion/doc/README.pdf
>>>> On 06.09.17 13:15, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thank you for your answer.
>>>>> I would appreciate if you could confirm the folder you have hinted me to
>>>>> look into, considering the error I encounter is in a different one.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Fátima
>>>>> On 05/09/17 18:05, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Fátima,
>>>>>> the short answer is that the current implementation of BonnMotion
>>>>>> assumes the route request and response formats of OSRM version 4.8.1 and
>>>>>> this format has been changed OSRM-side since then at least once.
>>>>>> As much as I'd like to update the BM-side of the code, there are several
>>>>>> reasons why we haven't, yet, and most likely won't in the near future.
>>>>>> However, if you are eager enough to get BM working with OSRM version
>>>>>> 5.11, you can dig into and update the code located in
>>>>>> 'src/edu/bonn/cs/iv/util/maps/OSRoutingMachine.java'.
>>>>>> As for why you encounter that error with version OSRM version 4.8.1, I
>>>>>> can only assume that this version might be incompatible with some newer
>>>>>> libraries in Ubuntu 17.04.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Matthias
>>>>>> On 05.09.17 17:34, Fátima Castro Jul wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi again!
>>>>>>> I have been able to set up and run osrm-backend-5.11 with some
>>>>>>> modifications to the instructions in the documentation.
>>>>>>>     * I have replaced cbf-routing-profiles for the newest ones in
>>>>>>>       https://github.com/sosm/cbf-routing-profiles/
>>>>>>>     * I have changed the last line in prepare_pbf.sh to the following:
>>>>>>>       LUA_PATH="$profiledir/lib/?.lua" ./osrm-contract ${osmfile}.osrm
>>>>>>> However, I have not been able to generate a map-base scenario
>>>>>>> successfully. Both with RandomStreet and MSLAW I run into the following
>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>       ~/bonnmotion-3.0.1/bin$ ./bm -f Vigo-escenario MSLAW -n 5
>>>>>>>       BonnMotion 3.0.1
>>>>>>>       OS: Linux 4.10.0-33-generic
>>>>>>>       Java: Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_131
>>>>>>>       Starting MSLAW ...
>>>>>>>       DEBUG: transformation (proj4): +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0
>>>>>>>       +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m
>>>>>>> +no_defs
>>>>>>>       java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>       Method)
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
>>>>>>>           at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.go(BM.java:267)
>>>>>>>           at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.main(BM.java:296)
>>>>>>>       Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.MapScenario.preGeneration(MapScenario.java:423)
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.preGeneration(MSLAW.java:631)
>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>> edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.generate(MSLAW.java:101)
>>>>>>>           at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.go(MSLAW.java:96)
>>>>>>>           at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.models.MSLAW.<init>(MSLAW.java:90)
>>>>>>>           ... 6 more
>>>>>>>       Error:
>>>>>>>           Error in MSLAW
>>>>>>> Is there a path where osrm is required to be running so it can work with
>>>>>>> Bonnmotion? Or is there any other requirement so they can work together?
>>>>>>> Have I compromised Bonnmotion function due to my modifications to the
>>>>>>> osrm setting up process?
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Fátima
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