[BonnMotion] Regarding JAVA Error

Rathod Vishal J vishalrathod.cs15f11 at nitk.edu.in
Wed Oct 9 20:48:27 CEST 2019


I am using ubuntu 18.04 with OpenJDK version "11.0.4". I have installed the
bonnmotion perfectly but it gives me the following error in scenario
generation in every model.

$ ./bm -f RandomWaypoint -d 3600 -i 100 -n 34 -x 175 -y 150 -h 4 -l 1 -p 10

warning: ignoring unknown key d
warning: ignoring unknown key i
warning: ignoring unknown key n
warning: ignoring unknown key x
warning: ignoring unknown key y
warning: ignoring unknown key h
warning: ignoring unknown key l
warning: ignoring unknown key p
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index
18 out of bounds for length 18
at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.go(BM.java:238)
at edu.bonn.cs.iv.bonnmotion.run.BM.main(BM.java:296)

Why is it showing me this error? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks and Regards,

Vishal Rathod
Research Scholar,
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Karnataka.
Email ID: rathodvishal78 at gmail.com and vishalrathod at ieee.org
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