[MWS]: Music without Walls? Music without Instruments? Conference - 2nd call for proposals

Leigh Landy llandy at tesco.net
Mit Dez 6 22:37:22 CET 2000

(with excuses for cross-postings)

Music without Walls? Music without Instruments?

Our first proposals have been arriving, more than a month before the
deadline. These are ranging from papers, presentations, audio and
audio-visual performances, installations and internet-based events. There
seems to be a reasonable number of people who indeed are looking beyond the

We invite you to participate in this international conference concerning
music, technology and innovation in tomorrow¹s world

21 ­ 23 June 2001
De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom

This three-day conference will include papers, musical events,
installations, listening posts, internet stations for interactive
music-making, round tables and a plenary session.

Hosted by the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Group, this
conference investigates both the practical and theoretical aspects of future
music-making. Digital music is now more common than acoustic music. Where is
this taking us? What forms will musical creativity take tomorrow?

There will be a conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in
Vol. 6/2 of "Organised Sound". The conference co-ordinators are Leigh Landy
and Andrew Hugill

You are invited to submit papers, installations, lecture-demonstrations,
pieces and other appropriate submissions.

Areas of interest include:
o Music, technology and innovation
o Market segmentation
o New musical instruments, venues, composition and
performance protocols
o Alternative presentation and distribution opportunities
o Soundscape composition and other new forms of sonic art
o And, of course, your choice Š

We are expecting participants, real and virtual, from around the globe.
These will include musicians and music scholars, visionaries, developers,
and community artists working in cyberspace or a site near you ­ or any
combination of the above.

Enquires/Submissions should be sent to:

nowalls at dmu.ac.uk


Prof. Leigh Landy
Music. Technology and Innovation Research Group
Clephan Building
De Montfort University
Leicester LE1 9BH
United Kingdom

Submission instructions
Authors are invited to submit one electronic copy or one typewritten copy of
their abstract(s) before 15 January 2001. Each abstract should be in a
typeface no less than 10 point character size, should be no more than 250
words in length and should emphasise the area(s) of focus. The submissions
will be subjected to a process of peer review.
Paper proposals should include appropriate remarks concerning
contextualisation. In all cases, beyond the abstract, a list of equipment
desires must be added (that is, equipment the hosts are requested to
supply). Submissions made in electronic form must be compatible with
Microsoft Word and should include the information requested in the right
hand column of this page. A submission form can be found at out website.

All proposals should include the following information:

Proposer¹s details
First name:
Name of organisation:

Job title:
Preferred mailing address:

Postcode:    Country:
Telephone (daytime):
Home page:
Type of proposal:

Conference Web Site:


Important dates/schedule

15 January 2001 ­
Deadline for proposal submissions

15 February 2001 ­
Notification of acceptance to be sent

1 May 2001 ­
Camera-ready versions required

The core members of the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Group are:

Andrew Hugill
Leigh Landy (Director)
John Richards
Howard Skempton (Visiting Professor)
Barry Truax (Visiting Professor)
John Young

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