[MWS]: Grand Opening t-u-b-e in munich

Stelkens bs-muenchen at stelkens.de
Fre Jul 7 19:24:34 CEST 2000

Dear friends of electronic Music and media Art,

[I´m glad you're on my email list and i hope you're happy with what 
we doing. As usual, if you feel that you've been added to this announcement list by mistake, just let me know, and we will remove you].

We would like to inform you about the grand opening of the 
sound gallery t-u-b-e !

on July 8, 2000

gallery for radiophonic art, installations and audio performances 
"Harte HÄngste" 


Einstein Cultural Center, Einsteinstr. 42, Munich Germany 
(U-Bahn Max-Weber-Platz)


Sonic installation:
Sarah Neumeister, Munich

Opening speech

Speech to the theme "Harte HÄngste": 
Prof. Dr. Heiner Keupp, Institut für Psychologie, Universität München
"Zukünfte des Individuums: Fitness für den Markt oder Lebenskunst"

Elisabeth Schimana 

Audio Performance: 
"Ratchets / Sex" 
Jens Brand, Dortmund 

t-u-b-e is a project of the City of Munich - Cultural Office 
In collaboration with Bavarian Radio - Department for Radio 
Plays and Medial Art 

Project directors: Christoph Höfig, Christoph Schwarz 
Contact: City of Munich - Cultural Office, tel. ++49 (0)89 2332 80 84; 
fax ++49 (0)89 2332 15 63; 
email: christoph.hoefig at muenchen.de 

Curators: Ulrich Müller, Jörg Stelkens 
Contact: büro </stelkens>
email: info at stelkens.de 
-                                            -
- Joerg(h) Stelkens (Dipl.-Ing.)             -
-                                            -
- buero </stelkens> muenchen                 -
- in der [alten conditorei]                  -
- Adlzreiterstr. 14                          -
- 80337 Muenchen (Zentrum)                   -
-                                            -
- mail: bs-muenchen at stelkens.de              -
- info: info at stelkens.de                     -
- privat: joerg at stelkens.de                  -
-                                            -
- buero: 089/76755804                        -
- mobil: 0172/9613748                        -
-                                            -
- www: http://www.stelkens.de                -
-      http://www.crusher-x.de               -
-      http://www.t-u-b-e.de                 -
-                                            -
--ACTUAL PROJECTS:----------------------------
-                                            -
- crusherX-Live 1.50 !New Interface!         -
- force feedback vapor synthesizer           -
- http://www.crusher-x.de                    -
-                                            -
- syncMaker: synchronous AVI File(DV) Player -
- http://www.stelkens.de/sk/syncmaker/       -
-                                            -
- The Book:                                  -  
- KlangForschung ´98,                        -
- Stelkens/Tillmann (Hrsg.)                  -
- Pfau Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-89727-086-2       -
-                                            -
- KlangForschung 2000                        -
- 9.10. - 13.10.2000, LMU Muenchen           -
- Kritik und Perspektive der medialen Künste -
- http://www.stelkens.de/bs/klforsch2000/    -
- klangforschung at stelkens.de                 -
-                                            -
- t-u-b-e                                    -
- galerie für radiophone kunst,              -
- installationen und audio-performances      -
- http://www.t-u-b-e.de                      -