[MWS]: Performance: crusherX-Live 1.40 MIDI & Force Feedback

büro stelkens bs-muenchen at stelkens.de
Don Mar 30 11:43:10 CEST 2000

Dear friends of electronic Music and media Art,

[I´m glad you're on my email list and i hope you're happy with what 
i´m doing. As usual, if you feel that you've been added to this announcement list by mistake, just let me know, and I'll remove you. Please send back the "Delivered-To:" adress that you find in the header of this message].

I´m happy to announce the live presentation and discussion about the new version of the vapor synthesizer crusherX-Live 1.40 with MIDI & Force Feedback control (you´ll find it at http://www.crusher-x.de ) at the institution of
higher learning (Fachhochschule) in Augsburg, Germany:

"A new synthesizer concept and an approach of interactive control with a force feedback device"

FH Augsburg 
SG Multimedia (Prof. KP Ludwig John) 
86152 Augsburg
7. April, starts at 9:30 

Free entrance. 

Hope to see you there 
best wishes
Joerg Stelkens, Author of crusher-X
-                                            -
- Joerg Stelkens (Dipl.-Ing.)                -
-                                            -
- buero </stelkens> muenchen                 -
- in der [alten conditorei]                  -
- Adlzreiterstr. 14                          -
- 80337 Muenchen (Zentrum)                   -
-                                            -
- mail: bs-muenchen at stelkens.de              -
- info: info at stelkens.de                     -
- privat: joerg at stelkens.de                  -
-                                            -
- buero: 089/76755804                        -
- mobil: 0172/9613748                        -
-                                            -
- www: http://www.stelkens.de                -
-      http://www.crusher-x.de               -
-                                            -
--ACTUAL PROJECTS:----------------------------
-                                            -
- crusherX-Live 1.40 !MIDI & Force Feedback! -
- force feedback vapor synthesizer           -
- http://www.crusher-x.de                    -
-                                            -
- Statements to the future of electronic     -
- music: "Keybords magazine 1/2000"          -
-                                            -
- syncMaker: synchronous AVI File(DV) Player -
- http://www.stelkens.de/sk/syncmaker/       -
-                                            -
- The Book:                                  -  
- KlangForschung ´98,                        -
- Stelkens/Tillmann (Hrsg.)                  -
- Pfau Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-89727-086-2       -
-                                            -
- KlangForschung 2000                        -
- Kritik und Zukunft medialer Kuenste        -
- klangforschung at stelkens.de                 -