[Muwisys] CHRISTMAS EVE libretto wanted

peter dietz pdietz at musikmph.de
Mit Dez 29 14:39:09 CET 2010

Dear members of the list,

in 2011 we will publish in our study series OPERA EXPLORER Rimsky Korsakov's
opera CHRISTMAS EVE as a reprint. Unfortunately the score only contains the
libretto in Cyrillic letters. We would like to add the text in English or
German. Can somebody help with a hint where to find it or with a scan of the

Thank you and all the best from Munich

Einen guten Rutsch
Peter Dietz

Musikproduktion Höflich
Enhuberstrasse 6-8 Rgb.
D - 80333 München
Tel 089 - 52 20 81
Fax 089 - 52 54 11
pdietz at musikmph.de