Mailing Lists

No such list bonnmotion___

Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the right list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Aktuelles-fg-bsp [no description available]
Anshockm-Test für E-Mails zum Testen
ASKP-OS Mailingliste des autonomen Seminars Kritische Psychologie Osnabrück
Baracke [no description available]
BonnMotion BonnMotion mobility generator mailing list
CERT-Info UOS-CERT Info-Liste
Chemie-didaktik [no description available]
doktoranden-ls-msk FB 10 - Doktoranden M. Schmidt-Kessel
E-learning Newsletter - Digtale Lehre @ UOS
Erstsemester für E-Mails an Erstsemester
Evorobotics2010 [no description available]
Fachschaft-Geschichte [no description available]
Fb1miba [no description available]
Fem4dem-osnabrueck [no description available]
FSMathInf-News News der Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik
gemeinschaftsprivatrecht FB 10 - Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht
Gi-2bsc20 [no description available]
Gi-msc20 [no description available]
Ikfn-hiwis [no description available]
Ikfn-korrespondierende [no description available]
Ikfn-veranstaltungen-extern [no description available]
Ikfn-veranstaltungen-intern [no description available]
Ikfn-veranstaltungen-intern-cc [no description available]
Ikw-colloquium people interested in the IKW colloquium (as a student or ikw member you are automatically subscribed)
Ikw-stud.bsc All bachelor students
Imib-10 Mailingliste Jahrgang 2010 IMIB
Infomail Allgemeine E-Mail-Verteilerliste
Institut-igb [no description available]
Juniorprofessor-innen-der-universitaet-osnabrueck [no description available]
Lbs4-migration [no description available]
Lbs4-training [no description available]
Lernfunk-dev [no description available]
Linguistik Sprachwissenschaftler und Sprachinteressierte der Uni Osnabrück
Mailman [no description available]
Mitarbeiter-ls-msk Fachbereich 10 - Mitarbeiter M. Schmidt-Kessel
Mtv-igb [no description available]
Mxkernel [no description available]
Osis-10 Studierende WI Uni Osnabrück JG 1011
Prof-igb [no description available]
Qplus-du [no description available]
Ratdezentralergleichstellungsbeauftragter [no description available]
rz-housing-announce Housing im RZ – Ankündigungen
Rz-test Rechenzentrum - Test-Liste
rznews Neuigkeiten des Rechenzentrums
s4f-aktive [no description available]
s4f-news [no description available]
Sapstammdaten Info bei neuen Stammdaten auf D3 Homepage
Security [no description available]
Stipendiaten [no description available]
Stpo-seminar-ar Fachbereich 10 - Seminar STPO - AR
Stpo-seminar-nr Fachbereich 10 - Seminar STPO - NR
Systemerinfos Informationen für Systemwissenschaftler/innen
Tcs [no description available]
Technische-Informatik [no description available]
test-gskalla Neuigkeiten des Rechenzentrums
Transmit-all [no description available]
Transmit-wima [no description available]
Tt [no description available]
Wd-igb [no description available]
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht11 [no description available]
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht9 [no description available]

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