[BonnMotion] disaster area

clara rumondang clara.rumondang07 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 10:07:28 CET 2020

this is the instruction code you given to make disaster area movement :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $bm = "../../bin/bm";

my $model       = "DisasterArea";
my $scenario    = "DA";
my $nodes       = 150;
my $x           = "350";
my $y           = "200";
my $groupchange = "0";
my $groupsize   = "1";
my $dist        = "3";
my $mindist     = "3";
my $circlevertices = "140";
my $factor      = "1";
my $duration    = "3000";
my $skip        = "5000";
my $seed        = "23";
my $maxpause    = "20";

################################## AREAS

my $maxareas    = "8";

my $IL1         = "25,5,125,5,125,100,25,100,25,50,125,50,0,15,15";
my $PWFTA1      = "133,25,180,25,180,75,133,75,133,50,180,50,1,39,37";
my $CCS1        = "220,5,300,5,300,40,220,40,220,20,310,20,2,15,0";
my $CCS2        = "220,46,300,46,300,80,220,80,220,60,310,60,2,15,0";
my $CCS3        = "220,86,300,86,300,120,220,120,220,100,310,100,2,15,0";
my $CCS4        = "220,126,300,126,300,160,220,160,220,140,310,140,2,15,0";
my $TEL         = "320,75,345,75,345,100,320,100,330,75,330,76,3,6,0";
my $APP1        = "320,5,345,5,345,50,320,50, 5,0,345,0, 325,5,325,50,
my $OBST1       = "25,150,100,150,100,200,25,200";


my $measures    = "10";
my $timestep    = "1";

my $params = "-f $scenario DisasterArea -n $nodes -x $x -y $y -p $maxpause
-a $groupsize -g $circlevertices -r $dist -q $mindist -d $duration -e
$maxareas -i $skip -j $factor -b $TEL -b $CCS1 -b $CCS2 -b $CCS3 -b $CCS4
-b $PWFTA1 -b $IL1 -b $APP1 -o $OBST1 -K -R$seed";

system "$bm $params";



My question is, how to create a node to move in incident location to the
clean clearing station area?
Because I've tried the instruction code you are given and analyzing that
the movement on the One Simulator the node moving in ping pong movement
(from the incident location to patient waiting for treatment area, the node
does not go to clean clearing station). In your research paper, the node
should come from the incident location to the patient waiting for treatment
area and then go to clean clearing station area.

Furthermore, may I know where to get the guide textbook Or pdf relating to
disaster area?

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