[BonnMotion] Regarding the value of -i parameter in RWMM

Rathod Vishal J vishalrathod.cs15f11 at nitk.edu.in
Thu May 28 14:42:25 CEST 2020

Hello to all,

I have generated the movement file of RWMM from bonnmotion. I have given
several values to "-i" parameter but when I upload the file to simulator
mobility starts with the 0 seconds immediately.

The meaning of value -i is to skip the initial seconds so you will be in a
stable state and then start the mobility. But it didn't help me. I have
tried with different values but the results were the same. Always mobility
starts at 0 seconds.

I have run the following commands to generate the movement file.

./bm -f rwp5nodes RandomWaypoint -x 100 -y 100 -i 3600 -n 5 -d 900 -l 0 -h
5.5 -p 20

Need some help.

Thanks and Regards,
Vishal Rathod
Research Scholar,
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal - 575025
Email ID: rathodvishal78 at gmail.com and vishalrathod at ieee.org
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