[MWS]: Computer Music

Bernd Enders Bernd.Enders at uni-osnabrueck.de
Fre Feb 12 21:46:46 CET 1999

VIth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
Chairman: Dr. Rodrigo Cicchelli Velloso
sbcm99 at infogene.ctc.puc-rio.br

The Symposium

The Brazilian symposia on computer music have consolidated the position of
the country in the field. The 6th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
will be 
held in Rio de Janeiro, during the 15th Annual Congress of the Sociedade 
Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) from 19 to 22 of July. The symposium is 
organized by NUCOM, the computer music branch of SBC.

This is a unique opportunity to visit Rio de Janeiro, one of the most
beautiful cities in the world and a leading Latin American cultural center.
During the 
symposium there will be concerts, papers and lectures on topics at the
edge of computer music technology. Researchers and musicians interested in
interplay between computer technology and music are invited to submit papers 
and compositions

Topics of Interest

This year we are giving special emphasis to "Musical Composition and

The topics include, but are not limited to,
* Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization 
* Audio Hardware Design 
* Audio Signal Processing 
* Sound Synthesis 
* Artificial Intelligence 
* Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modeling 
* Computer Aided Music Analysis 
* Computer Aided Musical Education 
* Real-time Interactive Systems 
* Music Data Structures and Representation 
* Music Notation, Printing and Optical Recognition 
* Systems and Languages for Composition 
* Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems 
* Internet Applications 
* Multimedia Integration 
* Computer-Aided Musicology 

A selection of papers will be considered for publication in Organised Sound, 
Cambridge University Press.


Program Committee
* Gerard Assayag, IRCAM, France 
* Aluizio Arcela, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil 
* Peter Beyls, St Lukas Hogeschool Brussels, Belgium 
* Moisei Boroda, University of Bochum, Germany 
* Marcio Brandao, University of Edinburgh, UK 
* Antonio Camurri, University of Genova, Italy 
* Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
* Anastasia Georgaki, Ionian University, Greece 
* Ross Kirk, University of York, UK 
* Fabio Kon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA 
* Mikhail Malt, IRCAM, France 
* Jonatas Manzolli, Unicamp, Brazil
* Eduardo Miranda (chair), Lamesm UFSM-Brazil & Sony CSL Paris, France
* Peter Nelson, University of Edinburgh, UK 
* Carlos Palombini, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil 
* Geber Ramalho (chair), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil 
* Francis Rumsey, University of Surrey, UK 
* Xavier Serra, IUA-Pompeu Fabra University, Spain 
* Petri Toiviainen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 
* Gerhard Widmer, University of Vienna, Austria 

Music Composition Committee

* Rodolfo Caesar (chair), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Rodrigo Cicchelli Velloso, Universidade Fed. do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Francis Dhomont, Universite' de Montreal, Canada
* Silvio Ferraz, Laboratorio de Linguagens Sonoras, PUC-SP, Brazil 
* Thomas Kessler, Musik Akademie, Basel, Switzerland 
* Denis Smalley, City University, London, UK 

Pieces for String Orchestra or Jazz Ensemble will also be judged 
by the following:

* Ernani Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
* Andre Cardoso, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
* José Arthur Rua, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Tutorials and Demonstrations Committee

* Robert Willey (chair), Universidade Federal do Para, Brazil 
* Didier Guigue, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Brazil 
* Rodolfo Coelho da Souza - University of Texas, Austin 
* Paris Psaros - CREATE - University of California, Santa Barbara

Guidelines for submission

+++ Papers +++ 

Papers describing on-going or concluded research must be submitted in a 
preliminary version containing no more than 8 pages (Times Roman 12 and 1.5 
interline space). Portuguese is acceptable for preliminary submissions but
the final camera-ready papers English is required.

Please e-mail submissions to Geber Ramalho (glr at di.ufpe.br) or Eduardo
(miranda at csl.sony.fr) as MS Word 97, pdf or postscript files. Alternatively, 
indicate the URL where your document may be found.

+++ Tutorial and demonstration proposals +++ 

Proposals for didactic demonstrations in any area of computer music will be 
considered, including demonstrations of commercial products (software or 

They will fall under the following categories:
* Introductory level intended for students and those outside the 
computer music field. Topics can range from popular music tools to 
more complex applications (e.g., Orchestral MIDI Sequencing Technique,
Algorithmic Processes in Contemporary Music, etc.);
* Advanced applications for more experienced practitioners (e.g., 
Digital Signal Processing in Music Composition).

Tutorials shall take place 19 July, followed by the symposium opening in
the evening. Exhibition of products will continue to 22 July. Proposals
should include a survey of topics and an indication of duration. Presenters
be prepared to supply most or all of the necessary equipment. Online
are welcome, to be accessed by participants through web browsers during and 
after the symposium. Online tutorials should be operative no later than 24

Please e-mail proposals to Robert Willey (rw at libnet.com.br).

+++ Compositions +++ 

The Music Selection Committee invites submissions in the following
* Music for Tape (DAT or CD) 
* Pieces for Instruments and Electronics (Tape and/or Live)
- Solo Instrument 
- String Orchestra (a) 
- Jazz Ensemble (b) 
* Algorithmic Instrumental Pieces
- Solo Instrument 
- String Orchestra (a) 
- Jazz Ensemble (b) 

(a) String Orchestra: 4 (1st violins); 4 (2nd violins); 3 (violas); 
3 (cellos); 2 (double-basses)
(b) Jazz Ensemble: 5 saxophones (2.2.1) also doubling flutes; 
5 trumpets; 4 trombones (3.1); piano; drums; percussion; 
electric guitar; electric bass

Pieces composed within the last five years and no longer than 10 minutes will 
be preferred. Candidates may submit up to three works.

All entries must be accompanied by an Entry Form (please consult our Web
site for this form), along with a short  CV and program notes. Music for
Tape requires submission of a DAT or CD recording. Mixed Pieces (solo,
string orchestra or jazz ensemble plus Tape) require submission of the full
score, the tape part (DAT or CD) and a recording of the piece. Pieces for
Instruments (solo, string orchestra or jazz ensemble) and Live Electronics
require submission of the full score, a recording of the piece, and a
detailed description of the equipment employed. Algorithmic Instrumental
Pieces require submission of the score and information concerning 
the computing technology (i.e., analytical discussion plus illustrations of 
patches, tables, etc.).

Submissions shall be sent at the candidate's own expenses. Under no 
circumstances will the symposium organizing committee be liable to customs 
duties or any other costs arising from an application. Entries, whether
or not, will not be returned. Submissions will be added to NUCOM's music 
library, located at LaMuT (Escola de Música da UFRJ). Candidates are
advised not to send originals. 

Please send submissions to:

SBCM99 - Music Selection Committee,
Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225,
Prédio Gênesis - Sala 16 B,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ,
22453-900 Brazil
sbcm99 at infogene.ctc.puc-rio.br

The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music is the joint effort of a number of 
individuals and institutions. This year we are glad to announce the support
* Escola de Musica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
suplying performers for instrumental pieces; 
* the Electronic Studios of Musik Akademie - Basel (Switzerland), 
providing live electronics support;
* ARTE ELETRONICA, in the role of executive producers.

Important dates

March 5, 1999 - Deadline for postage of compositions
March 19, 1999 - Deadline for postage of papers, tutorial proposals 
and demonstrations
April 22, 1999 - Notification of acceptance
May 24, 1999 - Deadline for final camera-ready papers

For more information, please contact the organizing committee in Rio de

Dr. Rodrigo Cicchelli Velloso (symposium chairperson)
Departamento de Composicao 
Escola de Musica da UFRJ 
Rua do Passeio 98 
Rio de Janeiro RJ 
20021-290 Brasil 
tel: + 55 21 2401391 ramal 38 
rodcv at acd.ufrj.br 
rodcv at openlink.com.br 
sbcm99 at infogene.ctc.puc-rio.br

For more information consult the web site: http://www.di.ufpe.br/~glr/sbcm99

LAMESM - Electroacoustic Music Lab
Santa Maria - Brazil
lamesm at geocities.com

Prof. Dr. Bernd Enders

Universität Osnabrück
Forschungsstelle Musik- und Medientechnologie
Schloß, Neuer Graben, D-49069 Osnabrück


TEL (+)541/969-4147
FAX (+)541/969-4775

e-mail: Bernd.Enders at uni-osnabrueck.de

TEL/FAX priv.  (+)541/53176